Thursday, August 01, 2013

Simple Changes Create Amazing Results

 5 Lessons From Successful People:  Simple Changes Create Amazing Results

 Why are successful people successful? 
 What makes them achieve things most other people can only dream about?

          In most cases it is not luck or a very special talent they have. Sure, it may seem that way, but when you look at it more closely (and you ask them), things turn out quite differently. 


Let's explore.

When I study successful people by reading biographies and by talking with them, I see a clear pattern in their actions. The power of the five things below lies not in that you know them all, or you know some. The real strength is in hearing and seeing them again, and this time taking action. Apply what you read and grow.

 Here are five things you should take into account in order to create amazing results in your life.

 1. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.Don't do something today and stop doing it tomorrow. Don't hop from one 'life changing' idea to the next because the other one is looking even more amazing to you. Being consistent, longer than a couple of days, will create changes in your life.

Usually people say that on average habits are changed in about 3 to 4 weeks. Decide what you want to do, and do it for one month. I am sure after that month, you acquired a new skill, habit, attitude that will help you the rest of your life.And with all this marathon living, you can of course take a few sprints every now and then. Just as long as you are never stopping or moving in the opposite direction.

 2. Successful people do things other people don't do. I believe people are by nature lazy creatures. We go for the shortest route, even if that isn't bringing us to where we want to go. Sounds strange? Then why are you reading lots of articles on making your life easier and 90% of the information is never used?

There are lots of amazing ideas, tips and techniques right under your nose, you just have to take action. Get up earlier, study, have discipline, don't chase the money, take responsibility. Do that and you are about to get more out of life than most other people.

 3. Successful people know their outcome. No matter what you change, know why you are changing and what you are changing into. Have a clear goal, and take the appropriate action. The moment you know your outcome, change will be a lot easier. Getting up earlier to write 10 pages for your book is easier when you know you want to write a book, right? Going on a diet is a lot easier when you want to fit in your wedding dress.

4. Successful people are willing to trade short term fun for long time happiness. Understand that change normally comes with a little (or lots of) discomfort. This isn't strange. Your body and brain will try to keep you in the state they are in. That is nature. What is in balance must stay in balance. And you are about to change the equilibrium in your life. That simply has to hurt a little bit and cause stress. Get over it. You are not doing this to remain in the same situation you are in right now. You are doing this to improve your life and the lives of your family.

 5. Successful people are almost just like other people. Almost… and that is the big difference. They tweak their lives a little bit and make amazing results a reality. Big changes come from taking small steps consistently.

 Perhaps this is what this entire article is all about. You can make your life amazing, just as long as you identify the small steps and take them, day in and day out, no matter what. Putting it Into ActionIn short, successful people are able to make simple and small changes to their lives that in time end up in amazing results. Think about some of the small things you can do right now, from today for the next 6 months. 

Action point 1: Become smarter. Stop watching TV 15 minutes earlier, or use the commercial break to read and study (this one will do wonders, especially for people who watch TV a lot).

Action point 2: Do something more productive. Get up 10 minutes earlier and use that time for a couple of push-ups, crunches, preparing a good breakfast, or studying.

Action point 3: Stop something bad in your life. For example stop eating that one candy bar at the end of the day. This may not save your health immediately, but by cutting back on your sugar intake each day or week, you will make a difference in your life. You can also replace the word candy bar with coffee, snacks, fast food, etc. and reduce other unhealthy eating habits.

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